Click on the image to view the catalogue and products.

Altronics Brochure February

Altronics Yearly catalogue is produced every 18 months. Their dedicated staff work on this major project throughout the period to produce the publication.

Whilst we believe it is a pleasure to read and peruse, we highly recommend using this website for everyday reference for the most up-to-date information on the latest products, pricing and availability.

Download entire catalogue (PDF) (119MB)

Altronics 2023 Catalogue


 Redback Audio Products

100% developed, designed & assembled in Australia.

Since 1976 we have been manufacturing Redback amplifiers in Perth, Western Australia. With over 40 years experience in the commercial audio industry, we offer consultants, installers and end users reliable products of high build quality with local product support. We believe there is significant added value for customers when purchasing an Australian made Redback amplifier or PA product. 

Click on the front page to view the full catalogue.