Arduino Super Learning 165pc Lab Kit Z6315A
Arduino Super Learning 165pc Lab Kit Z6315A
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A handy parts kit containing everything you need to start learning Arduino and building projects. Includes a huge selection of sensor boards, LEDs, pots, jumper wires, a breadboard, LCD screen and much more! A handy storage case keeps it neat when you’re finished building. Includes links to projects and example code.
Kit Contents
LED - Blue x 5
LED - Red x 5
LED - Yellow x 5
Resistor - 220R x 10
Resistor - 1K x 10
Resistor - 10K x 10
UNO R3 + USB Cable x 1
LCD 16x2 Character LCD Display Module LCM Blue x 1
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 x 1
RC522 RFID Module with RFID card and key chain x 1
Game Joystick 4-Axis Module x 1
MPU-6050 3 Axis gyroscope accelerometer axis x1
DS1302 Real Time Clock Module x 1
5V 1 Channel Relay Module x 1
DHt11 Temeperature and Humidity sensor module x 1
5V 4-Phase 5-Wire Micro Mini Reduction Stepper Motor x 1
Stepper Motor Drive Board (UL2003) Test Board Motor x 1
HC-SR501 Human Body Pyroelectric Infrared sensor PIR x 1
Dot-Matrix 8*8 LED Light Display 3mm Red x 1
Soil Hygrometer Detection Module Soil Moisture Sensor x 1
SG90 Servo 180 Degrees x 1
IR Infrared Receiver TL1838 VS1838B 38KHz x 1
New IR mini remote control x 1
30pcs Shield cable Male to Male wire Kit x 1
10K 3386P precision adjustable Potentiometer x 1
MQ-2 Methane Gas Sensor Shield methane detector Module x 1
Breadboard 830 Point Solderless PCB Board MB-102 x 1
SW-520D ball switch/switch tilt switch x 2
Micro switch button switch 12x12x7.3mm x 4
Caps for micro switches x 4
0.56inch Single LED segment Display (Common Cathode) x 1
0.56inch 4 digital 7 Segment LED Display (Common Cathode) x 1
Active Buzzer (5V) x 1
Passive Buzzer x 1
4Pin 5mm RGB light (Common Cathode) x 1
LDR 5516 Photoresistor x 3
IC 74HC595N x 1
20cm 10Pin Male to Female solderless x 10pin
LM35DZ TO-92 Temperature Sensor x 1
6AA Batteries Storage Box Holder x 1
Resistor card x 1
Box for kits x 1